Intelligent design. Well crafted.
Web/Social Media

Drink Less For Your Breasts
The DLFYB website and social media campaign, was developed to appeal to young women between 18 and 35. The goal of the campaign was to raise awareness of the increased risk of breast cancer from alcohol consumption, with a secondary goal of encouraging women to drink less. The website site is highly interactive, with animation effects, quizzes, and LWD-produced videos to increase engagement, and includes novel features such as horizontal scrolling, flip cards, and multiscroll panels, plus a parallel Spanish-language site.

Our Water Our World
We created a new website in 2021 that reflects our 2015 rebranding project. The site features a Google Maps-based store-finder, and online and downloadable versions of their popular factsheets. Our Water Our World is an award-winning partnership between city- and county-based water pollution prevention agencies and garden centers and hardware stores that sell pest control products. The program focuses on less-toxic, eco-friendly products and methods because many common pesticides are harmful to sensitive species and ecosystems when they reach local waterways, and the ocean.

Trash Capture Pilot Program
The San Francisco Estuary Partnership's Trash Capture Demonstration Project website allows Bay Area municipalities to research trash capture devices, track installed devices, and upload (and download) information about device locations, performance, and maintenance. This complex password-protected site will likely serve as a model for a statewide tool. We participated in concept development and designed all aspects of the site, interviewing stakeholders early on to identify user needs and preferences. For site implementation, we worked with programmers, supplying layouts and providing feedback.

Mesoamerican Health Initiative Planning Project
This website supports the Mesoamerican Health Initiative, a regional health initiative aimed at improving maternal and child health in Mexico and Central America. Funded in part by the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, with the involvement of Central American governments, CDC, and UNICEF, among others, the initiative focuses on vaccination, malaria, nutritional, and maternal and reproductive health. We designed the site and developed the user interface, sourcing photos of native artwork from throughout the region to anchor the pages.

Berkeley Public Library Foundation
We designed the user interface and navigational structure for this site promoting the Foundation and it's events and capital campaign. We interviewed donors and others to guide concept and content development and site structure, working with a programmer for implementation. Like many of the Foundation's materials, the site features our photographs of Library patrons.