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Posters, Displays, and Signage

Palos Verdes Fish Consumption Advisory Poster

This poster, designed for the Environmental Health Investigations Branch of the Calfornia Department of Public Health, provided fish consumption advice and fishing guidelines. The poster includes information on limiting exposure to PCBs in fish, a map showing the "do not fish" zone, and general fish preparation advice to reduce exposures.

Contra Costa County, CA REHS History Display

This permanent display for the Environmental Health Department highlights  the history of Registered Environmental Health Specialists in California. We not only designed the display and managed production and on-site assembly and mounting, we developed much of the content, pouring over archived newspaper clippings, and historical photos and records.

Zero Breast Cancer Bus Shelter Signage

These displays — four in all — are based off of the poster series we created for ZBC, each focusing on an different, easy-access way to reduce exposure to harmful chemicals in the environment, reducing your risk of breast cancer.

Lead Poisoning Prevention Bus Shelter Signage

These displays, placed in high-risk neighborhoods in LA — those with older, poorly-maintained housing, focused on reducing exposure to lead in dust from remodeling and repairs in the home. (This was an Impact Assessment, Inc. project.)

San Francisco Bay Fish Advisory Signs


The signs provide information for fishermen and their families about safer and unsafe fish to eat, and are posted around the San Francisco Bay. Sign concepts were designed and thoroughly tested with the target audience, which included non-English speakers and illiterate individuals to ensure that key messages were understood. (This was an Impact Assessment, Inc. project.)

Restaurant Best Management Practices Poster


This illustrated poster for the Santa Clara Valley Urban Runoff Pollution Prevention Program educates and reminds restaurant workers about practices that reduce contaminants in the stormwater system. The piece was designed for low-literacy and non-English-speaking audiences and depends solely on visuals.



Food Service Inspector Study Poster

This poster for Contra Costa County Environmental Health was displayed at the 2014 National Environmental Health Association conference. The poster summarizes the results of a pilot study on restaurant worker safety.

Kaiser Alive Activity Campaign Poster

We created this series of three posters for the Kaiser Division of Research internal pilot program encouraging employees to improve their health by increasing activity and changing eating habits. Each of the three "flowers" was composed of individual photos of single items, composited and rotated to form a seamless image.

BPL Reopening Posters

Berkeley Public Library Branch Reopening Posters

This series of four posters was created to announce the reopening of Berkeley's four Branch libraries following extended closures for renovation or rebuilding. The posters feature the Branch Renovation Program logo, customized for each Branch. Additional campaign materials included coordinated brochures, postcards, and emails.

IPM signage

Our Water Our World Bus Posters, Banners, and Displays

For over 10 years, Lauren Wohl Design has worked with the Bay Area Stormwater Management Agencies Association's intergrated pest management campaign to reduce pesticides in stormwater runoff. As part of the campaign, we designed bus and BART posters, along with ads, factsheets, banners, and in-store display materials. For these posters, an original illustration was provided of the daisy, and we were tasked with adding the other characters while carefully matching the existing style.

Kaiser Healthwise Handbook


These four posters, featuring our photos, highlight advice from Kaiser Permanente’s Healthwise Handbook medical advice books. The posters were displayed in Northern Region medical facilities.

Kaiser Health Education Displays


These large displays served as a backdrop for the Health Education kiosk at Kaiser Permanente’s Oakland medical facility.

Lauren Wohl Design 2014

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