Intelligent design. Well crafted.
Factsheets and Info Cards
Zero Breast Cancer Factsheets
The first two in a series of factsheets to help women with breast cancer manage the physical and psychological effects of treatment. We created both English and Spanish versions. As Lauren is a breast cancer survivor, we are pleased to have the opportunity to support Zero Breast Cancer and the important work they do.
Less Toxic Pest Management
This series of popular consumer factsheets designed for the Bay Area Stormwater Management Agencies Association (BASMAA) provides basic information about using less-toxic methods for addressing pests and weeds in the garden. Available in English and Spanish, they are found in large and small garden centers across California. The factsheets are part of a larger campaign, for which we also created a new website and designed a range of other materials. We redesigned the entire campaign in 2015with an eye-catching photo-based header and a new logo.
Cookstove Factsheet for PHI Global Initiative
This factsheet covers the importance of promoting the international use and distribution of modern cookstoves, which significantly lower levels of particulate matter and carbon monoxide in the home and reduce rates of the resulting illnesses.
Berkeley Public Library Information Cards
This series of cards provides Library patrons with accessible information about Library services and features. Prior to designing, we conducted group interviews with a range of Library users, including teens, to find out how best to provide information. The cards are an inexpensive format and allows Library patrons to quickly and easily find targeted information.
Water Runoff Best Practices Cards
This series of illustrated cards is designed for low literacy audiences and relies heavily on visuals. We used reference photos to create the detailed illustrations. The minimal text on the back of each card, translated into Spanish and Vietnamese, educates the public and contractors about practices that keep contaminants out of stormdrains in an effort to reduce pollutants released into San Francisco Bay.
Protect Your Lungs from Wildfire Smoke
This factsheet for the California Department of Public Health provides information about reducing exposure to particulates in wildfire smoke. (Principal Designer Lauren Wohl-Sanchez worked on this project under Impact Assessment, Inc., a contractor to the State of California.)
Agricultural Burning
These factsheets for the Environmental Health Investigations Branch of the California Department of Public Health provide information on reducing exposure to smoke from agricultural burning as well as regulatory information. The fact sheets are customized with versions for farmworkers, farmers, and residents in areas where burning is common. (Principal Designer Lauren Wohl-Sanchez worked on this project under Impact Assessment, Inc., a contractor to the State of California.)