Intelligent design. Well crafted.

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Getting Past Pesticides
This brochure for the San Francisco Department of the Environment, aimed primarily at policy-makers, provides information about integrated pest management practices implemented in San Francisco. The brochure opens to a poster on the reverse that highlights specific practices and staff. Lauren Wohl Design photographed the cover and greenhouse shots, and the remaining photos were compiled from a range of sources.

California Fish Advisories
This series of brochures for the California Department of Public Health’s Environmental Health Investigations Branch provides consumption advice to reduce exposures to mercury and PCBs in fish from California waters. Written for low-literacy audiences, the brochures primarily target subsistence fishermen and have been translated in up to 10 languages. The brochures were heavily tested with the target audience to ensure accessibility. (Principal Designer Lauren Wohl-Sanchez worked on this project as an employee of Impact Assessment, Inc., a contractor to the State of California.)

EHIB Branch Brochure
This two-color brochure designed for the California Department of Public Health’s Environmental Health Investigations Branch (EHIB) provides information about the department for policymakers and the general public. The back-cover folder enables EHIB to update information about projects, keeping the brochure current and reducing the need for frequent revisions and reprinting, allowing for other minor splurges, like the blind embossed cover and rounded corners. (Principal Designer Lauren Wohl-Sanchez worked on this project under Impact Assessment, Inc., a contractor to the State of California.)

Berkeley Public Library Branch Reopening
These four brochures commemorated the openings of the Branch Libraries after extended closures for renovation or rebuilding. The tear-off bookmarks provide Branch contact information and hours. The covers customized versions of the identity symbol we created for the Neighborhood Branch Library Improvement Program, a $26,000,000 bond measure. Each Branch symbol includes photos of architectural features that we shot in the final days of construction. We also designed coordinating postcards, html email layouts, and posters.

Berkeley Public Library Foundation 2014 Capital Campaign
This brochure launched the Foundation's new capital campaign and, like the majority of Foundation materials, features photos taken by Lauren Wohl Design. The design’s palette was based on the identity symbol we created for the Foundation’s previous capital campaign to fund purchases for the newly renovated or rebuilt Branch libraries. The piece includes a convenient tear-off donation form and envelope.

Keep Your Newborn Safe from Lead/
Protect Your Child from Lead
These bilingual brochures for the California Department of Public Health's Childhood Lead Poisoning Prevention Branch were designed for low-literacy audiences and provide basic information for reducing newborn and childhood exposures to lead. The brochures were field tested to assure accessibility and effectiveness. (Principal Designer Lauren Wohl-Sanchez worked on this project under Impact Assessment, Inc., a contractor to the State of California.)

Money For Mercury
This 39"-wide bilingual brochure (Spanish on the back side) for Santa Clara County’s Regional Water Quality Control Plant was designed to build awareness for their thermometer exchange campaign and local thermometer exchange events. (Principal Designer Lauren Wohl-Sanchez worked on this project under Impact Assessment, Inc., a contractor to the State of California.)

San Mateo Public Library Project Read
This brochure provides general information about the San Mateo Public Library’s literacy program. While designed primarily to inform Library patrons about the program, the brochure also includes information about tutoring with the hope it will entice readers to volunteer. To guide content development, we helped staff with survey questions for current tutors to better understand what draws individuals toward volunteering with the program and what information prospective tutors might want to know.